Northwest's Student Senate serves as the voice and representative of the student body. To effectively accomplish such an enormous task, the Student Senate is organized into six committees and relies on the efforts of committed senators to actively seek information and opinions.
Student Senate has a strong commitment not only to the campus community, but also the Maryville Community. Through civic service, we maintain that commitment -- this committee hosts service events throughout the academic year for both students and community members.
Alora BuceyCivic Service Co-Chair |
Cecilia HadleyCivic Service Co-Chair |
Within this group, policies are formed and brought to the Senate floor. Members of this committee use their skills to increase voter registration on campus, affect University policies, and organize Legislative Reception, a day where Northwest students lobby the Missouri General Assembly.
Amaira PetersonGovernmental Affairs Co-Chair |
Allison McCordGovernmental Affairs Co-Chair |
Organizations at Northwest range from FSL and academic organizations to honor societies, club sports, and political activist organizations. This committee is responsible for granting official University recognition to organizations and maintaining records on existing groups.
Favour AdewuyiInternal Relations Co-Chair |
Dara OsunkoyaInternal Relations Co-Chair |
Organizations at Northwest range from Greek and academic organizations to honor societies, club sports and political activist organizations. This committee is responsible for overseeing the allocation of funds to student organizations.
Callie SpunaugleOrganizational Finance Co-Chair |
Ashton HutzelOrganizational Finance Co-Chair |
Keeping the community informed is extremely important, especially when hot topics are brought to the Senate floor. This committee is responsible for issuing press releases to the local media, advertising events, and maintaining the Senate website.
Phillip MotazediPublic Relations Co-Chair |
Anna TuckerPublic Relations Co-Chair |
This committee is responsible for discerning student concerns. This committee organizes and plans the Who’s Who Among American Colleges and Universities recognition banquet, initiates the selection process for the Student Representative to the Board of Regents, and facilitates QUIP Days (Quality Improvement Process), days where students are able to voice their concerns about Northwest.
Abby FisherStudent Affairs Chair |
Ava SammonsStudent Affairs Co-Chair |
This committee is responsible for promoting diversity and equitable representation within Student Senate that includes but is not limited to, focusing on the non-discrimination policy of this university. Inclusion Committee focuses on facilitating communication between Student Senate and the offices of Global Engagement, International Involvement Center, Title IX & Equity and Student Involvement; and aims to set an equitable campus climate and culture through diversity event planning and programming and diversifying senate and the University as a whole.
Jessica GilesInclusion Co-Chair |
Mistura HassanInclusion Co-Chair |